The 777th Precinct Ministries & Kingdom Resource Centre is an Apostolic Resource and Training Centre for those who have a passion to be trained and discipled in order to go into the nations and plant Households of Faith. It is for those who wish to gather a clear understanding of the practical demonstrated life that God is revealing in the current season and to execute the mandate on Matt 28:19 in an accurate way.
The program is executed in such as way as to accurately build according to the model of Fathers and Sons implementing the very same methodology that Christ used in the training of the 12 Disciples.
The students enrolling will be developed in all aspects of practical disciplined living and lifestyle with specific roles and responsibilities during the period of training.
Due to the intensity of the course only 2 students per year are accepted. In the second year clinic clinicians that completed year 1 take responsibility for the training of some of the foundational subjects towards the new students in order to develop their own leadership and training abilities. In the third year clinic much attention is given to interaction with outside groups and parties for training and intervention and the student will be responsible to present the complete ABC 1 curriculum in-house and also to other nations where relationships has been established such as Macau, China, Nigeria, Uganda, Malawi and India.
Practical demonstration of the ability to depend on the Lord will be thoroughly tested in this time as students are responsible to cover their own costs during this time. They will be challenged in their dependence for all missionary and networking trips that are required during their period of training.
Character will be build as they will be responsible for Household chores, practical ministry administrative duties and many more.
A long term project will also be given to each student upon enrollment for completion at the end of every year. Community living will be expected as part of the practical training and preparation for ministry. At times students will stay in tents and other modes of accommodation to represent and demonstrate life in extremely poor rural areas in a practical way.
Students must have a Matric Certificate and students with a drivers license will receive preference.
There is no cost for a student to attend this program per month or part thereof. Our commitment is to give accommodation and meals as well as the course material.
In the event of ministry at national level as well as outside of SA, students will have to raise their own finances for the trip, accommodation and meals. They will be solely responsible for their own costs.
Students are also encouraged to raise their own support during the program as part of the training intervention.
In return students are expected to serve in household and administrative duties.
- To equip the saints for the work of the ministry. Eph 4:11-12
- To develop symbolic thinking and interpretation. 1Co 2:14
- To sharpen discerning ability. Heb 5:14
- To develop lifestyle excellence. Eph 5:15-16
- To develop autonomous believers. Eph 6:11
- To develop strong local churches that demonstrates the manifest Presence of God. Psalm 50:2
- To develop passion for Christ and His Word. Jeremiah 15:16
- To be established in Present Truth. 2 Pet 1:12
- To promote spiritual growth to maturity and personal manifestation of the victory of Christ. Eph 4:11-14
05:00 – Rise and Shine
06:00 – Discipleship
07:00 – Houseduties
08:00 – Breakfast
09:00 – Session 1
10:30 – Tea
11:00 – Session 2
12:30 – Lunch
13:00 – Maintenance / Administration / Garden / Kitchen Duties
15:00 – Self Study
16:30 – Household Duties
18:00 – Supper
19:00 – Administration / Kitchen Duties
19:30 – Weekly Activities / Self Study / Preparation
21:00 – Tea / Coffee
22:00 – Lights out
This schedule will differ from day to day as HOF activities require a change in the program. Students will live a shared community life and will experience village life and true covenant life in a very real way. Transparency, self control and integrity will be demanded from every student. The instruction and counsel of the set man of the HOF settles all disputes with immediate effect.
19:00 – 21:00 – Tshwane Forum & Dialogue
11:00—13:00 – Pastoral Care MICA
12:00 – 13:00 – Devotions & Life Orientation – MICA
Sunday Service:
09:45 – 12:30 – Every Sunday
Monthly – Johannesburg Apostolic Forum—The Life Community
- Orientation & Personal Profiling
- Restoration of the Broken Father Image
- Restoration of the Broken Father Image
- Restoration of the Broken Father Image
- Sonship 1
- Sonship 2
- Sonship 3
- Household of Faith
- Journey with your Spiritual Father
- Worship
- Introduction and preparation for ABC 1
- ABC 1 – Lesson 1-5
- ABC 1 – Lesson 6-10
- ABC 1 – Lesson 11-15
- ABC 1 – Lesson 16-20
- ABC 1 – Lesson 21-25
- ABC 1 – Lesson 26-30
- ABC 1 – Lesson 31-35
- ABC 1 – Lesson 36-42
- ABC 1 – Examination of Module A, B, and C
- Submission of Assignment and Evaluation
It is our prerogative to change the dates of the weeks and contents of the curriculum as we are led by the Holy Spirit and also to address the unique needs of the individual students during this time.
It will be compulsory for every student to attend every meeting and session that is hosted during the year even those outside of the normal daily program.
For further detailed information regarding the program please contact the program directors, Ps Herman & Renette Bouwer.
An application form is available on request. Please send an email requesting the applicaton form from the 777th Precinct Ministries Offices at 777th@localhost.