Preface to the Second Edition We live in a rapidly changing world. These changes affect the way the advancing World Christian Movement perceives its mandate and carries out its task. The Second Edition of World Mission has tried to analyze these trends and incorporate their discussion into the text. Two-Third World missions, reaching rapidly expanding …
Read more “World Mission Perspectives Part One”
This classic series of letters penned by the seventeenth century Carmelite monk, Brother Lawrence, describes the challenge of daily walking in the presence of God. Brother Lawrence shares his own spiritual struggles with the recipient and encourages the reader with practical ways to draw closer to God and remain in his presence regardless of surrounding …
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Tortured for Christ. One Man Who Dared to Stand Up Months of solitary confinement, years of periodic physical torture, constant suffering from hunger and cold, the anguish of brainwashing and mental cruelty—these are the experiences of a Romanian pastor during his 14 years in Communist prisons. His crime, like that of thousands of others, was …
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The Persecutor details Sergei Kourdakov’s early life in Novosibirsk Oblast, his life as an orphan, the raids he led on private Christian assemblies while a Naval academy student in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, his defection to Canada, and his new life in Canada and the United States. The book opens with Kourdakov’s escape to Canada. Beginning with the second chapter, the book flashes back to Kourdakov’s …
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The fiercest urban battle in recent history, to retake the city of Mosul from ISIS, lasted nine months. Thousands were killed, millions displaced. How to help in such a massive and desperate situation? This is the story of how one small organization from Burma answered that question: go. Give up your own way, help the …
Read more “Do This for Love: Free Burma Rangers in the Battle of Mosul”
Martin Luther (born November 10, 1483, Eisleben, Saxony [now in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany]—died February 18, 1546, Eisleben) was a German theologian and religious reformer who was the catalyst of the 16th-century Protestant Reformation. Through his words and actions, Luther precipitated a movement that reformulated certain basic tenets of Christian belief and resulted in the division of Western Christendom between Roman Catholicism and the new Protestant traditions, …
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The Richest Man in Babylon is a book by George S. Clason that dispenses financial advice through a collection of parables set in ancient Babylon12. The book was published in 1926 and is considered a classic of personal financial advice1. The book covers topics such as how to plan financially for your life, how to deal with your …
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The change in the life of notorious gang leader Nicky Cruz, as shown in the film, proved to be wonderfully lasting and real. A young preacher from the Pennsylvania hills comes to New York City and influences troubled teenagers with his inspirational message. Although the original events depicted in this classic from the drug infested, …
Read more “The Cross and the Switchblade”
The Actes and Monuments (full title: Actes and Monuments of these Latter and Perillous Days, Touching Matters of the Church), popularly known as Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, is a work of Protestant history and martyrology by Protestant English historian John Foxe, first published in 1563 by John Day. It includes a polemical account of the sufferings of Protestants under the Catholic Church, with particular emphasis on England and Scotland. The …
One Woman’s Struggle Against the Darkness of Hong Kong’s Drug Dens Inside Hong Kong was the infamous Walled City. Strangers were not welcome there. Police hesitated to enter. It was a haven of filth, crime, and sin. Prostitution, pornography, and drug addiction flourished. Jackie Pullinger had grown up believing that if she put her trust …
Read more “Chasing the Dragon”