The following full courses are presented on request:

  • Apostolic Kingdom Coordinates
  • Sonship Module 1 – FROM ORPHANITY TO SONSHIP
  • ABC 1
  • ABC 2
  • Kingdom Marriage
  • Marriage Upheavel
  • Living the Christ Life
  • Kingdom Grace
  • Kingdom Economics
  • Breaking the Curse
  • Kingdom Mysteries
  • The Rapture Fable
  • Brokenness
  • Father and Son Wine skin
  • Kingdom Culture
  • Possessing your Land
  • Being an Armour bearer as a son
  • The Treshing Floors
  • 318 Sons
  • Mega sons
  • The Tabernacle of David vs the Tabernacle of Moses


Some Examples:

  • The Blood of Jesus
  • The Fathers Mansions
  • Lucifer
  • Intimacy with God
  • Hearing God’s Voice
  • Bible Study Methods
  • Symbolic interpretation of Scriptures / Types and Symbols in the Bible
  • And many more


We are a Household of Grace that consists of spiritual fathers and sons walking in a covenantal relationship with one another across the Globe in many nations.

We are serious in pursuing the Lord and growing to a place of maturity in Christ.

Due to the increasing demand for training and development of believers in the Kingdom of God this Academy was created to serve the Body of Christ.  We are a Resource Centre and provide impartation and training on a vast range of subjects from across different streams of the Apostolic Reformation.  We are building in the wineskin of Father and Son and believe that God sets a man over a congregation through which the grace of father functions.  It is then the role of the father of the house to facilitate the growth of the sons in the house till they come to maturity in Christ and start their own Household.

Herman and Renette are the primary grace carriers in the 777th Precinct Kingdom Resource Centre & Household and teach and train the spiritual sons to become mature in their walk with the Lord.

Our mandate is to train and equip sons and not to build our own empire. We do not demand that you join our church or network in order to study and partake of the available resources.  You are welcome to partake of the resources that are made available for your growth and development.

Our Heavenly Father draws His sons – those who are joined to Him, out of dry religious systems and place them into families that we call a Household.  God’s intention was never for you to be a member of a religious institution or an organization. His will was always for you to be His son. The Father loves you with an everlasting love.

He has called you to be a son in His household as part of a family and not as part of an institution or organization.  He has called you to come to a place of dominion and to reach your full stature as a son of God operating from the Zion position.

Ephesians 1:4-6 KJV

(4)  According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

(5)  Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

(6)  To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.

This Academy offers resources that will shift you to Zion, a more accurate location. Please note that all content is freely available and may not be sold.

Herman and Renette submit for spiritual oversight to Ps Gerda Strydom of the Safe Cities Community in a covenantal relationship and also are actively involved with the ABC Ministries under the leadership of Dr SY Govender in presenting the ABC Courses in the Academy.


This is not the normal run of the mill Bible school that you are enrolling into. Our focus is on the Word of God and what God is releasing in the current season.  We believe that each and every student is autonomous and responsible for his or her own growth and development.

As a direct result you will work at your own pace and there is no time limit for completing the different modules.

There are several compulsory modules that you need to complete where after you can choose what you want to study, and which courses you want to follow.  You are required to first complete the compulsory sections before you can continue with modules of your own choice.

We actively invite students to engage us to assist you in your choices and also to define what areas in your life needs to be developed to come to a place of maturity in the Lord.

We do not charge any fees for the courses we present. However there are some books and resources that we do not own where we encourage students to obtain these directly from the authors. Links to these are supplied at the time.

We also encourage our students to give towards this work through freewill offerings of their own choice, convictions and as they are led by the Holy Spirit.

Offerings and donations can be released into the following accounts:

Paypal: http://paypal.me/HermanBouwer

Yoco Payments by Card: https://pay.yoco.com/777th-precinct

EFT: 777th Precinct – FNB Cheque Account: Account Nr 62761267379 – Branch Code: 250655


Students are responsible to request Zoom or Google meet interventions with the teacher of the specific classroom. The Principle we apply is that the student must pursue the teacher or what we call the grace carrier.

Students are greatly encouraged to engage the grace carriers as we have learned that the students that engage are those that benefit the most from the courses and who are also seeing the greatest impact in their walk with God.

Once you have completed an assignment and submitted it please send also an email to your teacher or facilitator of the specific course.  This will ensure that your assignments are attended to speedily.

Please do not download any material without a written authorization of the Course Leader.  Do not change the contents of any files that are uploaded.  You are only allowed to make changes as you respond to your assignment questions.

It is our prayer that you will be greatly blessed by these courses and that you will become a true son of God that will be part of the Body of Christ who are forcefully advancing the Kingdom of God.

The First Link is for the Orientation on how to use Google Classroom. Please complete the assignment and submit to me. Please take a moment to inform me of the submission as I am dealing with many students and in this manner I will be aware that I need to attend to your assignment.


The Second Link is for the Introduction into the Courses and deals with the reality of the Word of God.  On Completion you need to submit your assignment and notify me.
